Privacy Statement - Label Net Jointak's Online Ordering SystemInformation about you will NOT be shared with third parties without your written
consent. We take your privacy very seriously and will treat all of your personal
information in accordance with all applicable information and data protection
laws including the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the UK Data Protection
Act 1998 Cash's Apparel Solutions Pty Ltd's policy on privacy states that it has adopted the
National Privacy Principles (NPP's) under the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth).
A copy of the NPP's can be obtained by contacting the company's Privacy Officer
or referring to the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth). If an individual is concerned about a possible interference with privacy, he
or she should contact the company's Privacy Officer/Data Controller. If the
concerns are not resolved to the satisfaction of the individual the matter may
be referred to the Privacy/Information Commissioner. |